Make it easy for your guests to charge their electric vehicles

  • Do you own a restaurant or a small hotel and would like to attract EV drivers and offer them the possibility to charge their vehicles overnight?
  • Have you already tried it, but later changed your mind and turned everything off because the electricity bill was too high?
  • Would you like to contribute to the transition to a carbon-free society, but don’t know how to go about it?

We have a very simple solution for all these challenges.

How to enable justCHARGE?

  • First you need a charging station. If you already have one, make sure it supports OCPP. Otherwise, we can provide you with a new one. All our charging stations can be connected to our system in two ways – via an Ethernet connection or via an LTE network. The built-in SIM card can be activated remotely if necessary, in case there are problems with the basic internet, for example.
  • You need a suitable place for the charging station. We recommend mounting it on a wall, but you can also opt for a pole. All necessary measurements and installation can be arranged by us.
  • We recommend installing a 5-core electric cable with a 6 mm² cross-section per individual wire. The charging power is adjustable, but the charger is designed for charging up to 3 x 32 A, which amounts to 22 kW.
  • We also provide you with a load management solution. A special device is connected to the power supply of the building to measure the momentary electric current in order to reduce the consumption of the charging stations accordingly, so it doesn’t exceed the set maximum current.

How justCHARGE works?

  • Providers earn a little with each charge, but most importantly, they do not pay for excess electricity. This cost is covered by users (guests) unless the provider adds them to the “white list” and thus covers their costs for them. Calculate your earning
  • justCHARGE registers its users on major databases that list EV charging locations such as ChargeMap, Plugsurfing, ChargeShare and others. This makes you visible to all EV drivers, which in turn means more visits to your business.
  • justCharge covers almost everything: from customer support to invoicing, card transactions and complaints.
  • Since our charging stations don’t require either RFID cards or applications to operate, they are very easy to use even for guests from abroad who are using the system for the first time.
  • Once a month, justCHARGE issues an invoice to the justCHARGE service on your behalf and transfers the funds you’ve earned to you.

When you already have a compatible charging station installed (read: has at least OCPP 1.6 support):

  • Login or re-register if necessary at,
  • After registration/login you will be redirected to the dashboard. From the menu, click on the “Stations” tab.
  • Click the “+ NEW STATION” button and follow the instructions. By following the instructions, you will be able to print a QR code that you can temporarily put on the charging station. We will print the permanent sticker and send it to you by post. The sticker is self-adhesive and durable, so you can just stick it to the appropriate place.

For now, charging stations are still a relatively new phenomenon, but they will soon become a self-evident inventory in every tourist facility, just like, say, WI-FI. Therefore, we can say that having a charging station will positively affect the number of visits to your business from the very beginning. There really are no smart rules for this. As a result, the profitability of the charging station depends entirely on the number of charges that you can expect at your place. Based on current data, you can expect a return on investment in 1-2 years. Nonetheless, we have prepared a calculator in which you can enter various parameters and see how they affect the profitability of the project.

Ready for the EV revolution?

Create your justCHARGE account, add your charger and get started today!