Kalkulator prometa
Gross revenue 0 €
justCharge fee 0 €
Electricity costs 0 €
Net earnings 0 €
Gross revenue 0 €
justCharge fee 0 €
Electricity costs 0 €
Net earnings 0 €
Gross revenue 0 €
justCharge fee 0 €
Electricity costs 0 €
Net earnings 0 €
* All prices include VAT
** the justCharge service charges a minimum monthly fee of 10 EUR for charging stations connected to your internet and 18 EUR for those for which connectivity is provided by justCharge.
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EV revolucijo?
Se nam želite pridružiti, a ne veste kako začeti? Pokličite nas ali pa izpolnite obrazec in kontaktirali vas bomo v najkrajšem času.
Na podlagi pogovora bomo ugotovili vaše potrebe in določili naslednje korake
Popeljali vas bomo skozi justCHARGE sistem in vam pokazali kako deluje
ter si podrobneje ogledali možnosti in potencial vašega polnilnega posla.